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Is it really already the middle of the year? The Fourth of July holiday is quickly approaching, even though it seems like we were just ringing in the New Year.

In the first six months of 2024, we’ve tracked a staggering 6,289 legislative and regulatory concerns at the state, local, and federal level. Busy is an understatement. But we weren’t just tracking, we also had boots on the ground in D.C. during Q2. Let’s take a peek at what OHI’s Public Affairs team has been busy at before we get to the fireworks and barbecues.

What have we done? And what can you do?

Over two separate visits we spent six days in D.C. with multiple OHI staff members, industry leaders, and board members advocating for the interests of outdoor hospitality to over thirty members of Congress. We had 65 meetings in total to advocate for issues directly affecting the Outdoor Hospitality Industry. It was a busy time on Capitol Hill, but a fruitful one for our members.

We know you don’t have time to track every new policy, regulation, or potential law that could affect your outdoor hospitality business—but we do. Trust we’re still out here serving as the gatekeeper, monitoring and protecting the Outdoor Hospitality Industry. And this issue of AHA! will make sense of a few​​ of the most important and often complicated legislative issues that are relevant to you and the work we’re doing.

Ready to get involved? Currently, we are supporting the Credit Card Competition Act of 2023 and the Death Tax Repeal Act. Visit OHI’s Advocacy Action Center to learn more, get in touch with your lawmakers, and make your voice heard.

3 AHA! Moments

The things you must know for the second quarter of 2024

A Legislative Push for Fair Credit Card Fees and Tax Reforms

OHI has had two delegations on the “Hill” in May and June focused on important issues for RV parks and campgrounds. OHI’s recently announced alliance with the Merchants Payments Coalition (MPC), a group of more than 20 associations in the retail, restaurant and hotel industry united specifically on the passage of the Credit Card Competition Act.

The average RV park and campground in the United States is paying thousands of dollars each month in credit card swipe fees—accumulated every time a camper uses a credit card to reserve a campsite online or in person, or purchases goods at the camp store. The Credit Card Competition Act would break up the stranglehold Visa and Mastercard have on creating these fees, which will increase competition, lower fees for businesses like RV parks and campgrounds that run credit-card transactions.

Other current legislation OHI is focused on for its members are the Main Street Tax Certainty Act and the Death Tax Repeal Act.

Senator Ted Budd’s office teams up with OHI for Fair ADA Website Accessibility Legislation

OHI is working with Isaac Fong, General Council for Senator Budd (NC) on language to introduce legislation that would provide a 90 day cure period for a business to correct an ADA web compliance issue before a lawsuit could be filed.

OHI Hits the Hill and Brings the Heat to D.C.

OHI leadership visited the Hill along with industry leaders to support the issues that RV parks and campgrounds care about most. Over the course of six busy days, they met with over thirty influential members of Congress and partnered with fellow associations that share common advocacy goals. Additionally, we went to RVs Move America Week, a fantastic yearly event organized by the RV Industry Association (RVIA) that unites the top industry players for positive change.


Wins That Are Worth Bragging About


A Big Property Tax Win for Small Parks in Wisconsin

Recently, Wisconsin state legislators enacted a significant change in the law regarding “personal property exemption,” which in theory exempts personal property from taxation to provide relief for individuals and businesses. However, after becoming effective January 1, 2024, some municipalities concerned about potential revenue losses shifted the assessment burden onto landowners and, in turn, recreational campground owners. This shift held campground owners liable for collecting and paying the personal property tax on decks, sheds, patios, and seasonal camper’s personal property taxes. This resulted in incredibly and unusually high financial burdens for campground owners.

Everyone wins with this resolution under (Act 12), which allows municipalities to receive reimbursement from the State of Wisconsin for tax revenues lost due to the new personal property exemption, relieving the burden from small campground owners.

Read More


Bite-sized Insights and Watchworthy Finds 


Bringing a Dog into the United States

The CDC issues regulations to control the entry of dogs into the United States from other countries. Starting August 1, 2024 at 12:01AM ET, new rules go into effect. These rules apply to all dogs, including puppies, service animals, and dogs that left the United States and are returning. They also apply whether you are a U.S. citizen, legal U.S. resident, or foreign national.  Be sure and advise any of your guest that are traveling to the US from other countries. For more information click here.

US Department of Labor: What the New Overtime Rule Means for Workers.

Starting July 1, most salaried workers who earn less than $844 per week will become eligible for overtime pay under the final rule. And on Jan. 1, 2025, most salaried workers who make less than $1,128 per week will become eligible for overtime pay. What the New Overtime Rule Means for Workers | U.S. Department of Labor Blog (dol.gov)

Consumer Product Safety Commission – Important Product Recall Information

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued the following notices:

  1. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a New Product Safety Recall. TOPINCN Pool Drain Covers Recalled Due to Entrapment Hazard; Violation of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act; Sold Exclusively on Amazon.com by Sanure.  You can review the recall details here.
  2. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued guidance on Safety Tips for Kids of All Ages. Those resources are available here.



Legislative Updates from Our State Executives

The Carolinas (NC/SC)

CARVC Returns to Raleigh to Attend the 2nd Meeting of the North Carolina Building Code Council with Positive Results!

On June 11, 2024, CARVC members attended the NC Building Code Council meeting in a continued effort to remove the proposed language the council added to the NC Electrical Code that would require GFCI protection to the feeder circuits on an RV Pedestal in North Carolina.

In attendance at the meeting were: CARVC Executive Director ( Dee Witting), CARVC Board President ( David Seaborn), CARVC Past President ( Adam Smith), and local campground owners affected by the GFCI requirement along with in industry professional electrician to help advocate for the proposal.

CARVC has recently heard from other member campgrounds that made the requested changes and quickly found it doesn’t work. Adam Smith (CARVC Past President) spoke to the council on behalf of the campgrounds.

CARVC is excited to share that the Building Code Council members unanimously voted to accept the proposal of REMOVING their interpretation requiring RV parks in NC to modify the 30- and 50-amp pedestal receptacles by adding a Class A GFCI device for any new or upgraded electrical pedestals.

CARVC thanks the RV Industry and OHI for their continued leadership and support in this matter.

Together we can monitor our local and state governments to find out when these issues are brought up for discussion and a little input in the beginning can help curb these matters before they get to be a serious issue!


Director Matt Rose with IMHA-RVIC / Indiana Campground Owners Association partnered with OHI’s David Basler on Capitol Hill visits during “RVs Move America Week” June 3-6 in Washington DC.  Along with OHI board member Ali Rasmussen of Spacious Skies Campgrounds and Mike Gurevich, owner of Cherry Hill Park in College Park, Maryland, Matt was able to meet with offices of several federal policy makers including both of Indiana’s U.S. Senators.  Meeting topics impactful to private RV parks and campgrounds included:  the Credit Card Competition Act (S. 1838), the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2023 (S. 1108) and ADA Legislation as it pertains to website compliance.


The 2024 Missouri legislative session officially came to an end on Friday May 17th. While some tensions carried over from previous sessions, many were hopeful for a productive session and wanted to remain focused on priority issues like tax reform, school choice, and IP reform. Legislators even filed a new record amount of bills with a total of 2,607 bills to be considered this session.

As session progressed, Capital regulars slowly started losing hope that the 2024 legislative session would be any more productive than the 2023 session with the formation of the Freedom Caucus in both the Senate and House chambers.  This negative narrative seemed to dominate every interaction in both chambers and created a number of unprecedented events, none of which provided for a productive session.

Ultimately, disagreements also led to not one, but TWO, record setting filibusters in the Senate. The first being led by the Freedom Caucus regarding the renewal of the Federal Reimbursement Allowance (FRA), which lasted for 41 hours. A week later, the second record filibuster, which was led by the Democratic caucus, lasted over 50 hours regarding initiative petition reform.

This session was also the first session, in this century, to not have a single conference committee over the budget or any policy bills period, which ultimately contributed to a limited number of bills being Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed to date, barely surpassing the abbreviated 2020, COVID pandemic session, which saw only 45 bills passed.

Although this session we had an extra two weeks, along with countless hours spent in committee meetings and on floor debate, most of the proposed legislation failed to advance to Governor Mike Parson’s desk. By adjournment Friday, only a mere total of 44 bills were truly agreed to and finally passed and 18 of those were appropriation bills.

Session Overview

Both House and Senate leadership highlighted their priorities for the 2024 Session back in December and again at the beginning of January. The clear consensus is that this legislative session was a dud for the majority party, as most proposals failed.

Governor Parson’s administration will spend the next eight weeks reviewing the TAFP’d bills and issuing his signature or vetoes. Bills signed by the Governor will become law on August 28th, unless they were passed with an emergency clause, in that event, they will become effective immediately upon signature. The full list of bills which were Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed may be found here.  2024 TAFP Summaries.pdf


Education Reform/Vouchers/Teacher Pay Increases/Charter Expansion

Federal Reimbursement Allowance Renewal (FRA)

Defund Planned Parenthood

“Kill the Fill” legislation

Legislation expanding veteran resources

Legislation dealing with the 340 B Pharmacy Program

Legislation increasing the MOBuck$ Program


Legalizing sports wagering in Missouri, and banning illegal slot machines;

A bill changing the legal age of marriage in Missouri;

Cut to individual and corporate income tax;

Tort Reform issues dealing with statute of limitations, product liability, and asbestos transparency;

Legislation regarding utility relocation costs;

Childcare Tax Credit;

Elimination of foreign ownership of agricultural land;

Elimination of the state and local sales tax on food;

A bill returning control of the St. Louis Police Board to the State of Missouri;

Legislation preempting local governments from regulating tobacco sales;

A bill seeking to phase out the personal property tax;

Legislation regarding pesticide labeling;

Legislation that would permit professional licensure for individuals who practice a profession for three years under certain conditions.



Statute of Limitations:  Rep. Alex Riley, (R-Springfield), introduced House Bill 1964, and Senator Tony Luetkemeyer, (R-Platte County), introduced Senate Bill 853.  Currently, actions for personal injury shall be brought within five years from the time the injury occurred. This act states that actions for personal injury are to be brought within two years from the time the injury occurred.

The House version was heard in the House Insurance Policy Committee on February 7, and the Senate version was heard in the Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee on April 15.  Thank you to those of you who were able to come to the Capitol to testify on behalf of these two bills.  Unfortunately, the issue did not make final passage this session.

School Start Date Legislation:  The Speaker of the House did us a huge favor this session by not referring any of the six different bills introduced in the House that would have repealed the school start date to committee UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF SESSION!  (Thank you, Rod Jetton, who returned to the Capitol to work for the Speaker this session).

We had a close call in the Senate, when Senator Doug Beck, (D-South St. Louis County), introduced Senate Bill 784.  His bill would have required a vote of the school district in communities larger than 30,000 students if they want to go to a four-day school week, instead of five-days.  There was a provision that would have repealed Section 171.031 that would have allowed school districts with a school term of 175 school days or more may establish an opening date earlier than 14 days prior to the first Monday in September by following the procedure set forth in the act.

Beck’s proposed language was amended on to an omnibus education bill – Senate Bill 727.  However, our supporters in the Senate demanded the school start repeal language be removed.  It was a good thing, because SB727 made final passage and was signed by Governor Parson into law last week.

Key Upcoming Dates:

June 30, 2024 – Final day for Governor to sign or line-item veto budget

July 1, 2023 – First day of new fiscal year

July 14, 2024 – Last day for Governor to sign or veto policy legislation

August 6, 2024 – Missouri Primary Elections

August 28, 2024 – Effective date for policy bills without an emergency clause

September 11, 2024 – Veto Session

November 5, 2024 – Missouri General Elections

December 1, 2024 – First day of bill filing

January 8, 2025 – First day of Legislative session


Ohio campgrounds have enjoyed a relatively predictable regulatory and legislative environment in 2024.  Our state legislature has proposed few bills that would create any hardships on our business.  We are monitoring a possibly forthcoming proposal regarding amusement ride fees.  Many of our campgrounds have inflatable, bounce houses and other smaller rides that are required to be licensed and inspected by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  The legislature may look at recalibrating some of those fees.  For our Spring Conference we invited Ohio’s Chief ride inspector to represent and educate our members more on that licensing process.  There is also legislation that has been introduced that would give the ride inspection division additional authority to inspect special use pool.  Currently those are inspected by the Ohio Department of Health.

OCOA took part in Ohio Tourism Day at the Ohio Statehouse on May 21, 2024.  On this day vendors took over the Statehouse lawn for a free event promoting Ohio tourism and recreation.  This was a great opportunity to highlight our campgrounds and distribute the Ohio Campers magazine to attendees.  Ohio Governor DeWine attended with members of his cabinet and announced new data on tourism’s economic impact.

All Those Little (And Big) Questions You’ve Got, Answered 

What is a Pro Forma Session?

A pro forma session is a brief meeting of a legislative body, typically lasting only a few minutes, during which no formal business is conducted.

These sessions are often used to fulfill a procedural requirement or to demonstrate that the legislature is still in session, even if no actual work is being done.

Pro forma sessions are most commonly used in the United States Congress, where they are typically called to meet the requirement that each chamber must meet at least once every three days.

This requirement is set forth in the Constitution, and pro forma sessions are a way for Congress to meet the requirement without actually conducting any business.

Pro forma sessions are typically led by the presiding officer of the chamber, and they typically consist of little more than a roll call and the reading of a brief statement.

No votes are taken and no legislation is considered during a pro forma session.

Pictured: Ali Rasmussen, OHI board member, and Founder, CEO and Creative Director of Spacious Skies Campgrounds takes photo with Senator Mark Kelly (AZ)