The OHI site is undergoing maintenance from April 18-22.

If you’re seeking a specific resource, benefit, or need assistance logging in, please reach out to the membership team at


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Frequently Asked Questions


Membership costs for US-based open and operational outdoor hospitality businesses with OHI depend on your location.

OHI partners with state associations in the following states: AK, AZ, CO, CT, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, NJ, NC, OH, PA, SC, SD, TN, and WI.  Your membership fees are bundled with your state association’s fees. You will join and pay dues to your state association, which includes OHI’s annual dues of $157 flat fee + $1.45* per site. If your park has 511 or more sites, the OHI fee becomes a flat fee of $900. If your park is based in Louisiana, New Jersey, or Wisconsin, you have the flexibility to opt for membership with your state association, OHI, or both.


For operational outdoor hospitality businesses worldwide, the membership fee is a flat $225 per year.

Prospective Owner

Prospective Owner membership is a flat fee of $299 annually. 


Supplier membership is a flat fee of $650 annually.

Industry Professional 

Industry professionals can subscribe for a flat fee of $200 per year.

OHI operates as an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)6 organization. While dues are not deductible as charitable contributions, a percentage may be deductible as business expenses.


View a full list of available OHI discounts in the discounts marketplace. 

In an average year, the OHI public affairs and advocacy department reviews more than 10,000 legislative items affecting the RV parks and campgrounds industry at the local, state and national level, spending more than 3,000 hours and upwards of $250,000 advocating for the industry and the success of your business as a whole.

For questions specific to OHI’s advocacy efforts, contact our advocacy team here. 

OHI 20 Groups are composed of noncompeting campgrounds voluntarily and mutually associated to provide a confidential exchange of experiences, problems, and ideas at regular meetings. They receive the benefit of reliable historical comparative operating data on a periodic basis.

Each campground wishing to participate in a group completes the placement data form and submits it together with a registration fee (that is refundable if the campground cannot be placed in a Group). The criteria by which a campground owner is placed in a specific group are based mainly on gross revenues, park location, and type of campground (destination, membership, overnight, etc.). Campgrounds must be noncompetitive and, whenever possible, from distinct geographic areas. 

Experience in other industries shows that trends, consumer habits, business cycles and other influences generally appear in one area of the country prior to being evident elsewhere, making geographic variance a positive factor.

Meetings are held twice a year, usually for three days. Meetings are usually scheduled by the group at or near a participating member. Each group will determine its own additional meeting schedule if it so desires. 

Within basic guidelines contained in the OHI 20 Group bylaws approved by the OHI Board of Directors, each group is autonomous. Members must, however, agree to the bylaws as the overall governing instrument.

The group will function best when two members of the group are elected to serve as co chairs to help facilitate the group’s activities. The OHI staff assists in the operation of the group and outside consultants are also utilized when necessary.

The group Chairman, and Vice Chairman with the assistance of OHI staff when requested, are responsible for assembling the meeting agenda. Group members’ input on suggested topics is utilized as a guideline. Some examples of agenda items are: industry related subjects presented by outside speakers; concentrated discussion on a specific subject such as pay plans, personnel matters, paper flow, advertising and marketing, and so on as requested by group members; mini seminars; and visits to the host owner’s campground and even non-member campgrounds in the area.

There is a one-time application fee of $50 that covers the cost of collating and transmitting data, OHI administrative assistance, and related costs. 

All meeting costs are shared by group members. Such costs include charges, if any, for meeting rooms, any refreshments for breaks, and OHI staff attendance at meetings. Each participant is responsible for his own participation expenses which will vary depending on the group’s choice of meeting locations and other circumstances.

There is a limit to the outside functions and activities in which any given campground owner can participate. 20 Group members who give a top priority to their group activity will find that the costs are really a very economical way of obtaining valuable outside consultants who really understand the campground business. The additional profits and successes in your campground should far outweigh the fees and costs.

Members are expected to attend the group meetings and to provide the necessary financial data as requested. Campground owners who cannot initially provide all the data requested can still participate provided they agree to work toward the goal of providing the data within four months of joining the group. 

Confidentiality of all information provided to OHI or to a 20 Group member is critical to the success of the program.

OHI will provide the processing and distribution of financial data, maintain group participation records, assist the co-chairmen in setting up meetings, and provide a competent consultant or staff person to assist in conducting the meetings of each group. 

Not at first, but that’s not a reason not to join today! Most members are uncomfortable until they get used to it. Some members will probably show losses and they have the most to gain from the group! Turning losses into profits, and increasing meager profits into substantial ones, is what a 20 Group is all about! 

No. Individual Park information, including financial data, is confidential and can only be viewed by the 20 Group member themselves. A comparative financial composite is pre- pared, by a third-party company, from the financial and statistical data submitted by the 20 Group members. This composite report may be shared in whole or in part outside the 20 Group membership as deemed appropriate by OHI. 

20 Groups in other industries clearly show that very few businessmen are well-rounded in all aspects of their business. The value of a 20 Group is to identify strengths and help correct weaknesses of each other. By complementing their strengths and supplementing their weaknesses, many businessmen have realized thousands of dollars in additional income.


One of the most remarkable benefits of this membership is the unparalleled opportunity for personal growth.

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