The OHI site is undergoing maintenance from April 18-22.

If you’re seeking a specific resource, benefit, or need assistance logging in, please reach out to the membership team at


Contact OHI

OHCE Terms and Conditions

At times, OHI receives and collects personal information through informal methods such as business cards, sign-up lists, and event registration. In these cases, we use this information to provide member services and, with permission from attendees, provide attendee data to qualified participating vendors for marketing purposes. Attendees always have the option to opt-out of providing this information upon registration.
I agree to terms of OHI event privacy policy.
Lead Retrieval services will be provided to exhibitors at this event. This allows exhibiting companies to scan an attendee badge and collect basic business card information including name, company, job title, email, phone and basic demographic data. You can choose to participate by providing your badge to exhibitors to scan. If you do not want to participate, do not provide your badge to exhibitors to scan.
Attendee assumes all risks and accepts sole responsibility for any injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that attendee may experience or incur in connection with attending the Outdoor Hospitality Conference and Expo®️ (OHCE®️). Attendee hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges, and holds harmless OHI, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from any such claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating there to.
OHI shall not be held liable for failure of or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement if such failure or delay is the result of an act of God, such as earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flooding, or other natural disaster, or in the case of war, action of foreign enemies, terrorist activities, labor dispute or strike, government sanction, blockage, embargo, or failure of electrical service. OHI will make every reasonable attempt to minimize delay of or interruption of the event. In the event force majeure continues longer than 120 days, a full refund of event registration may be provided by OHI to the registered attendee(s).
Regarding any new or existing pandemics and their highly contagious nature, attendees voluntarily assume the risk of exposure and agree to attend at their own risk. Accordingly, the attendee understands and agrees that this release includes holding OHI harmless from any claims before, during, or after OHCE®️.
We are dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all participants at our events, whether in-person or virtual. This anti-harassment policy outlines our expectations and procedures for addressing harassment incidents. Harassment in any form is strictly prohibited and applies to all attendees, including event organizers, staff, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and participants. By participating in our events, you are expected to adhere to this policy at all times.
Definition of Harassment: Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments, derogatory language, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome advances, intimidation, stalking, cyberbullying, sharing explicit or offensive material, or any other conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Expected Behavior: All participants, whether in-person or virtual, are expected to:
  1. Treat one another with respect and dignity.
  2. Refrain from engaging in any form of harassment.
  3. Respect personal boundaries and consent.
  4. Communicate and interact in a professional and inclusive manner.
  5. Alert event staff immediately if they witness or experience harassment.
Reporting Harassment: If you experience or witness harassment during an event, in-person or virtual, we encourage you to:
  1. Make your concerns known to the individual(s) involved, provided it is safe to do so.
  2. Report the incident to event staff or any designated personnel.
  3. Provide as much detail as possible to aid in the investigation, including names, descriptions, and any available evidence.
  4. Event staff will treat all reports in a confidential and timely manner.
Investigation and Response: Upon receiving a harassment report, event staff will:
  1. Provide support and assistance to the victim(s) of harassment.
  2. Conduct a thorough and impartial investigation of the incident.
  3. Take necessary actions to ensure the safety of all participants, which may include warning the harasser, expulsion from the event, or involving appropriate law enforcement authorities if required.
  4. Keep the victim(s) informed about the status and outcome of the investigation.
False Accusations: False accusations of harassment are taken seriously as they undermine the integrity of this policy. Individuals found to have made false accusations may be subject to appropriate actions, including expulsion from the event.
Conclusion: We are committed to upholding a safe and inclusive environment for all participants at our events, whether in-person or virtual. This anti-harassment policy serves as a reminder of our dedication to ensuring the well-being and comfort of everyone involved. By participating in our events, you are expected to adhere to this policy and contribute to a harassment-free experience, regardless of the event format.

Attention RV park and campground members! The OHI Board of Directors election is open for electronic voting from Tuesday, September 3 at noon (ET) to Monday, October 7 at noon (ET). The designated voting representatives for each active RV park/campground has been sent an electronic ballot and instructions to cast their vote.

If you are an active RV park/campground member and have not received a ballot and believe you should have, please visit to submit a Ballot Assistance form.

Each active OHI RV park/campground member receives one vote. One vote equates to selecting your top eight (8) candidates, as eight (8) open seats are available on the OHI Board. Looking for a list of candidates? Visit

**Please note that only RV park/campground members are voting members of OHI. Suppliers, Associates, Member Benefit Providers, and Business Forum Members do not receive a vote.