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Jeremy Carr: Campground Lover & OHI Business Development Manager

Exploring the intricacies of his professional journey, we sat down with Jeremy Carr, a Florida native and the dynamic Business Development Manager at OHI to peel back the layers of his presence and influence in the world of Outdoor Hospitality. With nearly three decades of sales expertise under his belt, Jeremy shared his insights into what makes OHI his dream workplace, invaluable lessons he learned from growing up on a campground and how he makes his passions for the outdoors translate to professional success.

Growing up on a second-generation family-owned campground left Jeremy with a unique perspective on the dedication and hard work that goes on behind the scenes at every park. It was a lifestyle that instilled in him a deep respect for the people he now interacts with and supports working at OHI.

Jeremy’s childhood was spent at their family campground in Fort Lauderdale, but now it’s just a memory, replaced by high rises and hotels. Despite the changes, he remembers the tight-knit community and endless fun with other kids, typical campfire nights with family. His grandparents owned the place, passing it down to his parents, who even built a house there, living on property. Growing up, there was always something to do, though Jeremy admits he got into his fair share of mischief. But the real lesson he learned? Hard work. Hard work provided him with a healthy and happy lifestyle that he was proud of.

One of the other various properties his grandparents owned was Track Rock Riding Academy in Blairsville, GA. From cleaning stalls to managing the riding academy, it was all about putting in the hours. The experience shaped him profoundly. He looks back on the 15 years spent there as some of the fondest of his life and most formative, providing him with valuable skills and memories that continue to influence him to this day. The riding academy remains operational, and Jeremy’s encounter with its owner years later brought back emotional memories of his transformative journey. And of all places they could’ve run into each other? OHCE2021 in Raleigh, NC!

Jeremy’s professional journey has had him take on roles as an outside sales representative in various industries, where he navigated the twists and turns of the sales landscape. But the repetitiveness of selling products and services he was not passionate about began to wear thin. He then transitioned into the Outdoor Hospitality Industry eventually landing at OHI where he happily is today.

For Jeremy, the allure of Outdoor Hospitality is more than just a job; it’s a calling that harmonizes with his love for camping, nature, and the creation of forever memories. This industry provided the variety he craved.

Jeremy’s previous role at OHI as the membership manager took him across the landscapes of Florida and Alabama, where he engaged with park owners and talked all things OHI. Transitioning from phone calls to face-to-face interactions, Jeremy felt the highs and lows of building relationships. His approach centered on listening, authenticity, and respecting the valuable and limited time of campground owners.

Like OHI’s OHCE2023 theme of storytelling, Jeremy emphasized the power of weaving tales. Genuine stories, according to him, act as the glue that builds relationships, making connections stronger. Authentic storytelling played a pivotal role in Jeremy’s success with owners and operators he met with, making his time spent traveling valuable and meaningful.

And with the mention of OHCE2023, Jeremy’s commitment and passion translated into record-breaking Expo sales (over $50 million in booked business on the Expo floor!), launching the OHCE Expo into the top 50 Expos in the US. An achievement he attributes to blending decades of sales experience with genuine excitement for OHI’s mission. OHI’s team became a driving force, propelling him to deliver the best Expo experience for every OHCE attendee.

Reflecting on his time at OHI, Jeremy cherishes the tangible outcomes of his efforts, the joy park owners and operators experience from finding success within the OHI community and beyond. His joy doesn’t just stem from personal triumphs but from being part of a team that creates an environment where success is shared and celebrated. Oh, and spontaneous karaoke sessions with staff after a long productive day at OHCE.

Jeremy was asked to describe his role within the OHI team in one word and he answered with “cheerleader”. And that is certainly the right word choice. His infectious enthusiasm, unwavering dedication, and love for Outdoor Hospitality are the things that make him an invaluable OHI team member. Jeremy’s odyssey, his story, is a tale of passion and profession in the always-exciting realm of Outdoor Hospitality.

And if you’re in need of a little cheerleading, Jeremy would love to throw an Oh, Hi! your way. Reach out to him any time at jeremy.c@ohi.org